Plank on Ply.

In this method, 12 mm plywood sheets are glued & nailed to the concrete. 10 mm floorboards are glued & nailed to the plywood (with 10 – 14 days curing time). The floorboards are sanded & finished on site. Plywood does not provide an adequate moisture or acoustic barrier.

The floor height is around 25 mm and may require splays to match other floor heights, doors may need to be planed (to open) & bench height is lost. Alternatively the concrete sub-floor will need to be lowered.

Plank on ply is very useful when the concrete has slight variations as it can reduce the height variance in the slab. A moisture barrier is applied to the concrete slab, then sheets of plywood are glued and nailed directly to the concrete. The timber is then glued and top nailed with small brads to the plywood.
